Sustainable Aquaculture in Seriola dorsalis: genomic toolkit

Objective: Use high throughput DNA sequencing technologies and open source bioinformatics programs to develop genomic resources and tools for the Seriola Aquaculture community.  This includes constructing a genetic linkage map and GWAS for traits of particular importance to sustainable aquaculture, improving of the the genome assembly for Seriola dorsalis, assembling and annotating a second genome (Seriola rivoliana), comparing these genomes and developing a web portal that integrates knowledge from all Seriola species.

Problem: Many fisheries are operating at maximum harvest levels or declining while the demand for seafood and fishery products continues to increase. Seriola species (S. dumerili, S. dorsalis, S. lalandi, S. rivoliana, S. quinqueradiata), collectively known as amberjacks, are fish of particular interest to the growing aquaculture industry due to their high value, forming a billion dollar plus component of the sashimi industry. In many locations, one or more of these species comprise a large percentage of the total marine finfish in culture (e.g., over 60% of total mariculture in Japan). Culture of these species has traditionally relied heavily on harvesting and growout of wild juveniles, which can be unpredictable in supply and puts excessive pressure on natural populations. In the U.S. and elsewhere, hatchery production of Seriola dorsalis and Seriola rivoliana is rapidly growing but has been hindered by a propensity for deformities and growth heterogeneity developed during larval and early juvenile stages that limit the production capacity and efficiency.  In order to develop environmentally friendly and economically sustainable aquaculture, an understanding of the genetic basis of traits that currently limit/enhance the development and progress of domestic aquaculture is needed.

Funding Organization: Saltonstall-Kennedy Aquaculture

Duration: 05/29/2016 to 05/30/2018

Award Amount: $298,480.00

Award Number: 15WCR013

Principal Investigator(s): Andrew SeverinJohn HydeCatherine Purcell