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In the People and Project tabs you will find community members and their current projects.  Publicly available data for these projects along with visible tracks on the JBrowse that can be downloaded from the Downloads page.  If you are working on a Seriola species and would like to be part of this community please contact Andrew Severin.

If you have additional questions about this website check out our Learn section.

  • fish

    Objective: Use high throughput DNA sequencing technologies and open source bioinformatics programs to develop genomic resources and tools for the Seriola Aquaculture community.  This includes constructing a genetic linkage map and GWAS for traits of particular importance to sustainable aquaculture, improving of the the genome assembly for Seriola dorsalis, assembling and annotating a second genome (Seriola rivoliana), comparing these genomes and developing a web portal that integrates knowledge from all Seriola species.